Breastfeeding Class (Ochsner Baptist)

PLEASE NOTE: Based on patient feedback, we are continuing our classes virtually via Zoom. You will receive instructions for accessing the virtual class via email prior to the scheduled class time. Email for more information.
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This class is designed to teach new moms the basics of breastfeeding including: its benefits, early feeding, positioning, latching on, and milk production. You will learn about: breast anatomy, hormones, the importance of exclusive breast milk feeding for six months, and the prevention and management of common concerns.
Family members are encouraged to attend.
This class takes place on Mondays, from 6:30PM – 8:00PM.
Location: Based on patient feedback, we are continuing our classes virtually via Zoom. You will receive instructions for accessing the virtual class via email prior to the scheduled class time. Email for more information.
Day & Time: Mondays from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
For more information, email Jeni Ducoing, RNC-OB at